
Utawarerumono: ZAN review

With the year coming down to the final stretch, Nippon Ichi Software America’s 2019 game line up has been pretty varied. From princesses being instructed in the art of war and an AI trapping the world in a simulation to getting all the gems and making RPGs there has been something for everyone this year. In today’s review, we take a look at one of their more traditional super anime looking games that they are best known for, Utawarerumono: ZAN for the PS4.

Story retold

Action visual novel- Originally the previous Utawarerumono games all have been tactical RPGs with visual novels elements. ZAN retains the VN elements but swaps out the tactical gameplay with a more action oriented style. I’ve never played the previous PS4 games so I can’t really compare them to ZAN, however I have played some of the Senran Kagura games and the gameplay is similar to that. Which makes sense because Tamsoft, the developer of the Senran Kagura games, helped developed ZAN. And if you ever played a Senran Kagura game, you know that ZAN will have some really fun combat. Since Tamsoft is behind the combat in ZAN, expect there to be simple yet satisfying combos, over the top special moves, and waves upon waves of enemies to use them against. Combined with 12 different characters each with their own combat style and taking down enemies won’t ever feel repetitive. My favorite character right now is Rulutieh who uses a giant bird named Kokopo who fights on her behalf. Seeing a giant bird kicking away groups of enemies is very entertaining.



Retelling of Haku’s story- Since I’ve never played the first two PS4 Utawarerumono games (Mask of Deception and Mask of Truth) ZAN is a pretty good starting point for those who want to know more about the world of Utawarerumono, or at least Haku’s arc. And speaking of Haku and the first two PS4 games, ZAN is a retelling of his story from the first two games. ZAN stars Haku, a man who is suffering from amnesia, is found in the middle of a forest, cornered by a giant monster and is about to be killed when a lone traveler named Kuon saved him. Worried that a “seemly” weak and lazy man wouldn’t be able to take care of himself, she asks him to travel with her as he tries to piece together who he is.

4 player co-op online multiplayer- In addition to the fun combat that Tamsoft brings to ZAN is multiplayer. With most Tamsoft games, there is a multiplayer mode that allows additional friends to join in on the beat downs. IN ZAN, up to four players can come together online to play through the story or do extra missions to level up their characters.

Bad case of amnesia

Story confusing to new comers- While I did say that ZAN is a good starting point for those who want to know more about Haku’s story but haven’t played the previous PS4 games, that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be confusing. In ZAN, we really don’t get to see Haku’s early interactions with Kuon, her sister or any other characters he meets on the way. In fact the game starts off Haku already established with a couple of other characters on their way to the capital. This had me wondering, “Did I miss something? Did I have to play the other games in order to understand what’s going on?” No, not really as once the group makes it to the capital city, Haku gives some exposition about who he is, how Kuno saved him and why they are in the capital city. So unless you either played the PS4 games or the original visual novels, ZAN will be a bit confusing.

VN heavy- Now personally, I like visual novels, especially those that get released on consoles, as you don’t see many get released on consoles. It’s something different than we in the West are used to experiencing. However, even though some VNs have gameplay elements, most are story/text heavy and can be off putting when someone just wants to go to the next action segment. ZAN is one of those games. There are some chapters in the game where its just straight VN elements,ie texts and images of characters talking to each other and there are other chapters where there is a mix of actual action and story advancement. Its probably the most VN heavy game that I’ve played so far. And as I mention, I don’t mind this but there might be those who are completely new to this combination of genres that might feel a bit imitated.


With the increase rise of visual novel releases on consoles, we are starting to get a variety of games that are mixing VN elements and traditional gaming mechanics and not just full VNs. Utawarerumono: ZAN is a perfect example of that. While it may be connected to previous entries on the PS4 as its a retelling of the events in those games, ZAN does enough to make the game feel fresh. Such as the switch from tactical-RPG game to a beat em’ up/hack n’ slash provided by Senran Kagura developer Tamsoft and the ability for up to four people to tackle the story or extra missions online.  Though as fun and entertaining the game is, the game is a bit heavy on the VN elements and players new to Utawarerumono in general might get lost and confused with the story. If your a fan of VNs and especially a fan of the Utawarerumono series, then this is definitely right up your alley. If not, but you are a bit curious, there’s a demo on the PSN Store that you can download and see if it fits your fancy.



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