
The Ultimate RPG Quest Keeper review

Over the past few years or so (especially in 2020) I’ve been slowly getting back into playing Dungeons & Dragons. While it does seem daunting to get into at first, there have been resources that greatly helped, whether it being a Dungeon/Game Master, trying to create an interesting backstory to your player character, or learning a new gameplay style. Those resources just happen to be “The Ultimate RPG” series of books. The first three books: The Ultimate RPG  Game Master’s Worldbuilding Guide, The Ultimate RPG Gameplay Guide and The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide all helped me be more creative and explore new ways of playing RPGs. After reading these books, they also reminded me of one of the more annoying things about playing D&D (at least to me anyways): note keeping. After a few adventures and sessions , you start to accumulate a ton of information that may or may not be important, encounter characters who you meet at the start that might get disappointed that you don’t remember them when you meet them again later down the campaign or even forget what loot you may have accumulated. That is where The Ultimate RPG Quest Keeper by Jef Aldrich & Jon Taylor comes into play. 


Now The Ultimate RPG Quest Keeper is a very simple and straightforward book: its basically a journal that helps you keep track of various aspects of your character and encounters that you may run into during the campaign. This includes your character’s name, description, history/background, your gear and various other bits of info. While it doesn’t go into super detailed information such as say your alignment or what deity (if any) you might worship, it does a good job of giving simple prompts to help your character and what they encounter during the campaign. When combined with more detailed character sheets, The Ultimate RPG Quest Keeper really helps enhance the campaign experience. In the book there is room for ten different characters to keep track of, which is great for those who play as multiple characters in different campaigns and for those who just like to role/create different characters.  If you happen to need a bit of help keeping things organized or know of someone who is starting out on their first adventure, then this books is the perfect companion to set them off on their journey. 

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