
PAX South 2019: The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince hands on impressions

While NIS and NISA are know to develop and publish anime style JRPGs, that’s not all they develop/publish, as they do tend to create and publish non-anime styled games. At PAX South 2019 a couple weeks ago, NISA showcasing two non-anime games, one of them was The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince for the PS4 and the Switch (Switch version was being showcased).

The game stars a wolf who has a beautiful singing voice and a prince who come by everyday to hear her sing. One day the prince wants to see face behind the voice. As he climbs to where she is, the wolf is startled by him and accidentally blinds him with her claws. She finds out that his family is ashamed of him and locks him in the dungeon. Feeling sorry and responsible, she makes a deal with the witch of the forest: give him his sight back and she’ll give the witch whatever she wants. The witch agrees to this and asks for her singing voice. The wolf only wanting to help the prince agrees. Intrigued at the wolf’s willingness to help a human, she gives the wolf the power to transform into a princess. She then heads back to the castle to free the prince and lead him back to the witch.  This is where the gameplay demo starts. As I mentioned, the witch has given the wolf the ability to transform back and forth from being a wolf to a princess. In her princess form, she leads the prince, In her wolf form, she can attack the various creature that could harm the prince. There were times when puzzles would come up and needed the wolf’s strength to operate lifts, hold down platforms and break through thin wall to clear a path. Over all I enjoyed what I played and I’m really looking forward to the full release. The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is set for a February 12, 2019 release on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

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