Indie ShowcaseReviews

Buddha’s Quick fire review: Castle Kong

Sometimes I come across games that are so simple or self explanatory that there isn’t much material for a proper review. Sometimes there’s no story, controls might not be that complex or some other wide rage of reasons. Whatever the case maybe these games still deserve their time to shine, so a quick fire review is in order. To kick off this new segment of the site, we are taking a quick fire review of Castle Kong by developer Drowning Monkey Games.



Castle Kong is a “clone” paying homage to Nintendo’s Donkey Kong. Now instead of a giant gorilla kidnapping a woman and a plumber climbing up a construction zone avoiding objects being thrown to save said woman, we have a king kidnapping a fair maiden and its up to our humble villager hero to save her. The game plays a lot like Donkey Kong, with all the jumping and avoiding various obstacles that the King throws at you. These range from boiling lava and strange chicken looking monsters to archers and other hazards. The controls are a bit stiff when trying to jump over enemies and on to moving platforms.  One aspect of the game that is interesting is that the developer is holding a hi score contest/tournament at the moment. From the time that this post is published (the contest started last month on February 25) until May 25, 2021 top score will be taken and noted. Who ever has the highest score on the leader board on May 25 will be walking away with a cool $1250. Second place will get $750, third gets $500, fourth and fifth place will get $250 each and sixth through tenth will all receive $100 each.

For the most part Castle Kong is a decent homage to the arcade classic. It can be a bit cheap at times, but I would have to say that its a mix of the stiff controls and me being too eager. If you’re looking for a different spin on an arcade classic, then at $6.99 you can’t really go wrong.



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