
Anime Expo 2014: NIS America brings htoL#NiQ aka The Firefly Diary to the West


Criminal Girls wasn’t the only game that NIS America announced at their AX 2014 game panel, they also announced that they will be bringing the Vita game Hotaru no Nikki aka htoL # NiQ: The Firefly Diary. Not a lot of details have been given about the game other than you play as a girl who is led by two fairies: one of light, the other of shadow. These fairies try to lead the girl out of  a labyrinth that she has no memory of how she got there. The game saw a Japanese release back in May and with it a gameplay trailer:




The art style of the game kind of reminds me of Child of Light only that it looks more like storybook hand drawn instead of watercolor painted. The Firefly Diary will see a release window of Fall 2014.

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