
Team Ninja to develop Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade

When Square Enix announced that they would be bringing Dissidia Final Fantasy to arcades, fans freaked out. Other than a really pretty teaser trailer not much information about the game was made. This past week at their Closed Conference 2015 event, Square opened up and revealed that although they are bringing Dissidia back, they are not the ones who will be working on it. It was revealed that Temco Koei’s Team Ninja, the team behind the Dead or Alive franchise, will be developing the game. Sony Computer Entertainment president Atsushi Morita made an appearance and revealed that the game was being developed using the PS4’s core system of technology. It was made clear that though it uses PS4 tech, a possible PS4 version of the game will not be in the works until a year after the game releases in arcades. A trailer was released showing of the game and teases another stage that players will battle in:




If it’s any comfort to Final Fantasy VII fans, this game might be the closest thing to a HD remake SE is ever going to get. In addition to the trailer, images of the arcade cabinet were shown. The arcade cabinets look very elegant and I like how there’s a full size image of the Warrior of Light looming over each cabinet. However upon further inspection the control layout seems to be weird. The game seems to be using a dual stick layout instead of the traditional single stick and buttons layout:




More details about the game should surface around April 17th to the 19th as there will be a location test of the game in the Tokyo, Sendai, and Aichi prefectures. There will also be a second location test April 24th to the 26th in the Osaka, Fukuoka and Tokyo prefectures. So if you are anywhere near those areas, be sure to check out the game in action.

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